Sunday, February 28, 2010

~flea market reminder~

Begins Friday evening, March 5th from
5~8! Print this flyer out to get a discounted entry on Saturday!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

~a country drive~

One day last week I spent the entire day antiquing
in a neighboring country town.
It was so nice to be out walking in the fresh, almost Spring air.
I passed by a place where I went to horse camp when I was little, so I turned in and got some shots of these beautiful horses.
You don't know how bad I wanted to jump on and go for a ride! It was such a nice day, it was so peaceful
{what I am getting at is that the kids were in school and I was alone!}

I love that the cherry trees are starting to bloom.

So there you have it, my drive through the country,
what a splendid day it was!


Friday, February 26, 2010


Remember Brooke's fabulous French sign in her kitchen?
After I saw it I new I had to have one!
I had a old piece of fir out in my wood shop from the 1920's with the original chippy grey paint.
So, with her permission, I made my own and I LOVE it!
What do you think?

I found these little bottles with cork stoppers at an antique store today.

I love how the light shines through them in the window!

I also stopped and picked up these 2 great plants and put them in a large wicker basket on my kitchen island.

They are called kalanchoe and they are gorgeous.
The best part is that I got them for $8.99 each at
the grocery store of all places!
The saleswoman assured me that they were low maintenance.

So there you have it, a few minor changes to the kitchen. My husband did mention in passing that he thinks the upper and lower cabinets should be painted and distressed to match the island.
So you know I am all over that before he has a chance to change his mind!
I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!
~and a special thank you to Brooke, you are so sweet, we just all love you to pieces!~

Thursday, February 25, 2010

~apparently I am not alone~

Looks like by all your comments
{thank you!}
that I am not alone in this blogging world of addictions!
I guess there could be worst addictions right?
So I don't mean to be cruel and put you behind on your chores, but as I was surfing the web yesterday
{I mean, doing my laundry}
I came across this blog, and
I thought y'all would love it.
Not to worry, it shouldn't take much time out of your day as it is in a different language, so you can just look at all the pretty pictures! Now, if your kids are crying and they need to be attended to, or if the phone is ringing, please answer it, I'll still be here when you get back.

If you need to cook something for the family,
might I suggest
that you put your computer in the kitchen....
I like to call that multi tasking.

But you are allowed to take a shower before you go about looking at this blog, because on it's side bars you will find many other scrumptious blogs and it may end up taking a good chunk out of your day.

I wouldn't want to have your husbands or significant others emailing me cussing me out because YOU didn't get anything done today.
I'm just saying that if you want to check it out, go right ahead.
Just be prepared for a trip to the hardware store to buy gallons of white paint.
That's all I'm sayin'

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

~my problems with blogs/blogging~

Hello, my name is Melaine
{not Melanie as some of you would like to call me}
and I have a problem.
Every morning after the kids get on the bus, I make myself a latte and sit down to catch up on my favorite blogs.
So, what is the problem you ask?
Well, here is a good example.
See the photo below?
Well, it makes me want to turn my husband into a cowboy so we can get horses and live on a farm.
And this photo from here
makes me realize I should
really start de-cluttering and get more organized,
simplify things, ya know?

And Kim, would you please stop rubbing your chickens in my face!
You know our neighborhood does not allow them and I have wanted them for so long! I have always said you need to count your chickens because one day when you are away I am going
to come steal one or two!
You think I'm kidding?

And I may just have to re-do my whole kitchen
after seeing how easy Brooke makes it look!

I am reminded that even though I now own a

good camera I still can't take pictures like this.

I also really need to stop my procrastinating and get on that craft room of mine! Not that mine would look half as good as this friends.

And seeing photos like this makes me want to paint the world gray.
Ugh, there is not enough hours in the day!
Can anyone else relate, or is it horrible of me to keep wanting to change things up, hope, and dream for better things?
Don't get me wrong.
I am so grateful for what I have, I just see photos like these and want to snap my fingers and have them all!
Please tell me I am not alone!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

~found style~

Pretties for you to look at today!

All images courtesy of Amy Butlers Found Style.

Monday, February 22, 2010

~cottage bathrooms~

This first bathroom knocks my socks off. The rest are not too shabby either!

I love the idea of black bead board, I'd love to do

this in my dining room someday.
I guess I'll just add that to the list.

There is something about freestanding tubs that I love.

And pedestal sinks.

And subway tile.

It's a close tie between the first picture
and this last picture.
I LOVE them both!
I think I like this one the best though.
I am a sucker for that marble and those industrial elements!

Which ones are your fave?
all images found here.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

~chunky wood frames~

I have been hard at work making items for the flea
{see post below}
I have enjoyed making these chunky wood frames for many years now, and I am happy to say that I have made a bunch for the upcoming show.
I just love them, I have them scattered all over my house.I painted them in yummy shades of cream...
antique jade...

some with appliques, some without....
I love these pale pink ones....
I made all different shapes and sizes.
I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
Have a great week.
{kids return to school tomorrow after one long week!}

Friday, February 19, 2010

~come junk with us~

You don't want to miss this flea market!
For more info. go here.
For a discounted entry print out the above
flyer and present it at entrance.
I have been working hard on some fabulous items
and can't wait for you to see!
And, one of my favorite ladies will also be a vendor!
p.s. I have added a email link to my blog and a search engine so you can now find things easily!
{look on the right hand side of my blog}

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

~kelly mcguill~

Just found out about this fabulous lady, Kelly McGuill..... You can check her out here .
She also has a blog here.
Happy browsing!

American Idol 2010 Top 24 Contestants

American Idol Season 9 2010American Idol Season 9 the most watched reality TV shows already revealed some of the Top 24 semifinalists. Though there are American Idol 2010 Top 24 Contestants Leak or American Idol Season 9 Top 24 Contestants Spoilers are now circling the online world. There have been speculations from the fans and fans site who the be strongest contenders are to make it to the top 24 of the American Idol.

Here are the list of some of the people who made it to the list!

* Aaron Kelly
* Benjamin “Ben ” Honeycutt
* Andrew Garcia
* Alexander “Alex” Lambert
* Ashley Rodriguez
* Haeley Vaughn
* Janell Wheeler
* Katelyn Epperly

Click to see the list of American Idol 2010 Top 24 Contestants

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

~prettying up my pantry~

I thought today was a good day to give my pantry a mini makeover!
I did take out all the wire shelving about a year ago and replace it with 2 bookshelves, which have worked out perfectly!
I found some cute tags,
{I will give you the link at the end of this post if you want to download them too}
and went to town!
Here is what is behind doors number 1 & 2... cute vinegar and oil labels....
some of my less frequently used items go in these
tupperwares with tight fitting lids to keep them fresh.
close up of the labels....
I am using this vintage silver bud vase for toothpicks...
I do a lot of baking so it's always nice to have lots of sugar!!!
yum is right
my mom gave me this vintage chippy cream
colored bread box for my birthday, love it!
extra silverware if you are too lazy to walk over to the silverware drawer, trust me, this happens!
I am a sucker for pretty packaging
all the baking essentials I found the labels here,
{I used packaging tape to attach them}
The glass jars can be purchased here.
The oil and vinegar containers I got here.
I also used a lot of these for kids granola bars, chips, etc.
I am off to do some baking now that I know where everything is!
Enjoy the rest of your day!