Friday, May 7, 2010

~3 little chicks~

I bought myself a mothers day gift today.
Did I tell you my husband went away on a guys weekend?
Who does that?
Anyway, I went to a few garage sales today, my usual Friday.
I found these little chicks~aren't they sweet?

So, I bought them for myself.
Three dollars.
I know, I splurged.
Went all out.

I though I deserved some $3 chicks since
I have to be alone all weekend....
and 3 chicks are better than 1 husband sometimes,
just sayin.
Then on my way home I thought~
why not stop and get a pedicure and a massage too?
I mean, since I only spent $3 on myself, what the heck?
Now back to reality.
Kids are out of school.
Husband is still gone.
House is a mess.
Oh, and I had a allergic reaction to salad I ate at Trader Joes.
I NEVER get allergic reactions!
But my eyes swelled shut pretty much and my face looked like it had a bad sunburn.
A few gulps of benadryl and I'm feeling a bit better.
Apparently I ramble on while on this drug......
sorry about that.
~See ya all tomorrow~

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