Monday, June 7, 2010

~farm chick friends~part 1~

To say the farm chicks show was beyond fabulous this year,
would be an understatement.
I didn't think Serena could top last year, but somehow, someway, she did! Here she is, the wonderful Serena with friend Kris, and also camera man.
I have a little secret to that is about yours truly and the farm chicks website, involving this man, but I'm not spilling the beans yet!
Gorgeous Tiffany of shabby scraps.
We had so much fun together!

Lisa and Isabell
These girls rocked the after party at Chaps!

Gorgeous and sweet Jill of forever cottage.

Cindy and I getting silly at chaps!

This girl never stops smiling and I don't think she ever sleeps.
I want her energy!

I got some great things from Teresa and her daughter!
Sorry the picture is a little fuzzy!
Need I say more?
I was a little intimidated to go up and talk to her,
she's such a celebrity.
But let me tell you,
she is the sweetest most down to earth
girl and I enjoyed chatting with her,
and um,
buying all her stuff!

Her booth was gorgeous and her and her
husband were so sweet together!
Here she is working hard!

My road trip buddy, Trina and I
posing on this cool milk truck inside the farm chicks show.

Timi, queen of the junk bus, Tiffany, and I....
sooo many friends!
I love it!!!!!

My sister in law Jaime, on the right and our friend Katie on the left.
This was their first time to farm chicks.
Something tells me they will be back next year!

Trina and I filling up our carts!

Trina and Jen
Love you guys!
You had my laughing so hard my cheeks hurt!

My new best friends!
Leah and Cindy!
Aren't they adorable?
Talk about a gorgeous lady and a gorgeous booth.
It amazes me the products that come out of this husband and wife team.

Laura and I.
Loved running into all these friends and seeing
what everyone bought!

Don't remember these girls names!
Pls. leave me a comment.
You girls were so sweet!
I loved meeting you!

Waiting, waiting, and waiting in line some more!

Trina likes to pose while she waits!

Tracey from French Larkspur,
it was so nice to finally meet you!

This is the second year I have had the privilege to hang out with Tara.
She is so funny and super nice.
Love you Tara!

A little wine in the hotel room on night 1!
Just getting started!

Overall I took 255 photos.
I don't think you want to be bombarded with
all of them today, nor do I have the luxury of sitting
at my computer for 8 hours.
I have a car to unpack, miles to run
{must. get. back. into. shape.}
laundry to do,
and bags to unpack.
I will be back with more farm chicks though!

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