Friday, December 17, 2010

~thirty six~

today I turn 36.
I am at a good place in my life.
I have wonderful friends and a family who
is the best thing that ever happened to me.
Who could ask for more than that?
I thought I'd share with you 36 fun {and not so fun} facts about me today.
1~I was born in a vw bug. Yes, the car. I came really fast and was delivered in the parking lot of the hospital.
2~it is true what they say about red heads, they are feisty. It's really not my fault, I was born that way.......
3~ When I was in elementary school I would re~arrange my room just about every week. Sometimes my sister and I would swap rooms.
4~I was a complete tomboy. My best friend was my neighbor boy and we would spend our weekends collecting tadpoles out of the nearby pond.
5~My parents went out of town once while I was in high school. I re~painted my bedroom walls in a giant black and white checkerboard pattern. That didn't go over so well.
6~As a child, soccer was my favorite sport.
7~Growing up, as a middle child, I was the biggest rebel. My older sister could do nothing wrong and my little sister was a honors student. I was just.....the rebel.
8~When I was 18 I got a tattoo without my parents permission. Come to find out later, it was a tattoo of a guy doing a dance for the chicken soup brigade dance for aids for gays and lesbians. Oops, yep, still have it. I just thought it was a cute dancing guy.
9~I will never let my kids get tattoos.
10~I am highly claustrophobic.
11~I am deathly afraid of public speaking.
12~I can chew an entire pack of gum in 2 hours.
13~I once ate an entire package of oreos all to myself in one sitting.
14~I get car sick.
15~I am still friends with my kindergarten teacher, my sixth grade teacher, and my third grade teacher.
16~I am pretty sure I am addicted to sugar.
17~I could eat creme brulee for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
18~my favorite movie is "Rudy"
19~I love to nap.
20~I get at least 10 hours sleep a night.
21~I met my husband when I was 16.
22~I knew he would be my husband one day.
23~I eat, live, breathe, and sleep design.
24~I love where I live.
25~I wouldn't be anywhere without my family.
26~I am very close with my mom.
27~I have made so many wonderful friends over the Internet, 99% of them I have never even met in person.
28~I have fallen off my diet, but swear I will get back on it after the holiday's.
29~my philosophy is, "you only live once"
30~sky diving is on my bucket list.
31~I have to have a clean house.
32~I hate laundry.
33~I love my dog like he is one of my kids.
34~when I was 16 and my husband and I had been dating for only 1 month, he bought me yellow roses. It's been our thing ever since. I woke up this morning to a dozen yellow roses waiting for me!
35~I am thankful everyday for the life I have.
36~I honestly feel like I am boring you now, so I must go! A good friend of mine is taking me out to my favorite restaurant for lunch!
I hope you all have a fantastic day!
I will be back later to announce the winner of the nest ring giveaway!

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