Thursday, March 3, 2011

~love, love, love~

If you guessed that I was the one in the video yesterday telling my friend we had to cram the flower cart in my car, you were correct!
I was also in line at the beginning
~that {l o n g} line~
{so worth it though}
My friend Trina was the one saying we were going to have to elbow our way in, and I was the one that was WAAYYY to close to the camera.
By the way, no one was harmed with our elbows.
Also, if you live in the area and have not yet check out the new ruffles and rust square you must go! The dealers are bringing in new things DAILY. I just brought a huge truckload over myself yesterday.
OK, onto today's post which is about photos that I LOVE, and think you will too.
I LOVE this entryway
{via: apt. therapy}
I LOVE the color on these walls and the framed prints put together so neatly.
{via: Brabourne Farm}

A repeat photo, but one I'm still LOVING.....
everything about it actually.
{via: Heather Chadduck}

What is not to
LOVE about this kitchen?
{via: Simply Seleta}

~Ahh, neutral Heaven~
I LOVE that light fixture!
{via: Southern Living}

I'd be that happy to in this beautiful lovely space.
{via: Southern Living}

Um....hi beautiful bench and gorgeous wildflowers.
{via: Fern Creek}

LOVE that John Derian tote and all the pattern!
{via: Tracery Interiors}

How about that headboard?
Do you LOVE it as much as I do?
{via: Full House}
I hope you are having a lovely day.
Come back tomorrow for
a great giveaway!

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