Wednesday, April 27, 2011

~things are so much better when they are on sale~

This is a story about how I got in my car yesterday morning and headed to the Restoration Hardware outlet store on a whim.
I really needed to stay home and clean, but shopping sounded like more fun.
I didn't really have anything in mind to buy, but this is all the stuff that ended up in my car.
A pair of Lorraine sconces.....
 5 tarp pillows.....
~ close up image~
they are the ones in the back.
 The top framed flashcard print, I purchased mainly for the frame.....
 and a petal pink linen ruffle edge duvet cover.
 I love the edges, they are intentionally left raw and are frayed. 
I'm probably going to bring the duvet into the shop as my daughter told me she doesn't want pink anymore. 
{can you hear me crying?}
It was like going to Target.
You walk in to buy toilet paper and you walk out with toys, clothes, food, and picture frames. 
And if you have kids like mine, at least 4 things from the dollar spot, a hot dog, a Slurpee, Pokemon cards and nail polish.
The end.
{p.s. of the earth jewelry giveaway is still going on}

{p.s.s. I almost forgot, I got this too!}

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