Wednesday, August 17, 2011

~today I am loving~

Lately I have felt like I am always running and have yet to catch my breath.
~Flea market Saturday {hope you are coming}
~Getting the house prepped for the painters
~Painting my neighbors kitchen cabinets {stop me before I volunteer again!}
~back to school shopping
~making time for the kids in the midst of all this
{last night we had a tadpole die, and it was very traumatic!}
~keeping my space at ruffles and rust stocked
~keeping up on house cleaning, last night Cody told me I need to do the laundry because he has worn the same shorts 2 days in a row :)
~custom orders
and the list goes on
You get the picture.
Not that I am complaining.
Things are good, just busy.
The one thing that has been a battle is this house stain/paint thing.
We picked a color, sort of a darker brown stain, and decided to go with off white trim instead of white.
The painters have been here 4 days and just finished the stain.
Chris and I hate it.
It's nothing like what we thought.
It's more like a paint.
 You can't see the wood grain through it and it's also shiny in spots. 
Not good.
The painter talked us into this certain stain and we just aren't happy.
If it was a wall in the house we could live with it.
But this is our house, our garage, and 2 out buildings.
The painters are coming again this morning to do the trim, but looks like we will be asking them to strip the stain instead.
This should be a fun conversation.
Anyway, after all the chaos of the week, I sat down last night to browse my favorite blogs.
It always makes me happy to see pretty pictures of homes, and friends.
This photo above is from the happy home blog.
Love the black and white stripes and the styling with the pictures.
I want to do this somewhere.
However, painting walls is no where in my near future, as I have my neighbors kitchen to finish up and my homes exterior to deal with.
Wish me luck, and thanks for letting my vent my friends!

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