Tuesday, March 30, 2010

~etsy update~

I have just added a few goodies on etsy if you are interested!


~my new coffee table~

You can't beat an $8 coffee table. It cleaned up very nicely and no longer has cobwebs.

As Martha would say, "that's a good thing"

I am debating on whether or not to put a piece

of glass on the top, any thoughts on that?

A few cherry blossoms and some good books and I'm ready to relax for a bit!

Hope you all are having a great day!

Monday, March 29, 2010

~guest post with the polished pebble~

Meet the fabulously talented and beautiful Kelley from The Polished Pebble.
If you have seen her blog than you know it is beyond fantastic.
If you haven't, you are in for a treat! When I first saw her blog I think I literally spent all day going back to the computer to look at the same photos over and over again.
She was sweet enough to do an "interview" with me.....
This is how Kelley describes her design style:
"I'm not sure I have a "style" more of a point of view I think. I lean towards country eclectic and I really like clean uncluttered homes. Having said that however I love collections, but when you group a lot of the same things together they tend to read as a single item. "

One thing I loved about her blog is that she tells you where she pretty much gets everything!
I love this as a lot of people don't like to share this info.
Here is what she had to say on where she likes to shop!

"Oh boy can I shop. Going to a great Antique mall makes my heart go pitter pat. I actually like going to the hardware store too. Fabric is definitely my thing and I can spend hours going through swatch books looking for the right fabric. The Internet has changed the way I shop too. I also happen to really like shoes....doesn't everyone?

"I have always enjoyed the decorating process, even when I didn't have any extra money to spend on my house, I was always repainting something or hitting the local Goodwill hoping to snag a great find. I have a Bachelors degree in Fine Arts but actually started my career as a buyer and men's wear designer. My current interest is in Landscape design. We just finished the landscaping on a wonderful little farm house we use on the weekends in Ojai California."
You have to see her gardens!
Oh my goodness gracious!
Her home looks like it took years to get to this point.
But oh no!
"We bought this house about 3 1/2 years ago. Most of it was actually new construction. The interiors are all my work and we are really finished at this point. I do enjoy a good renovation project though and I have done too many to count. I am about ready for a new project!!! "
Did she say new project????
I wonder if she travels???

Wanting to know if she was a do-it-yourselfer, here is what she had to say!

"Yes but I'm just not very good at any of it. I like to move furniture around a lot and I have gotten really creative at that. Last week I moved a huge table from my patio to another location by flipping it on its end and then onto a wheel barrow to move it to a new spot. When my husband got home he was like "how did that table get there?". I'll never tell!!!!"
Now that's my kind of girl!

Look at those Christmas decorations around her front door!

And this collection of Roseville pottery!

where does she get all her inspiration?

"Inspiration is everywhere. I just did a post about Crystal Cove State Park on my blog. It is so beachy and funky and so full of history; those types of things inspire me. I also tend to get inspired when I go on a great vacation. I love Hawaii and Big Sur. And of course I am inspired by all of the great blogs out there. I am so amazed at how many really talented people there are out there."

Well Kelley, you sure have inspired me!

Head on over and take a peek for yourself and let me know what you think!
Thank you Kelley for being so sweet to do this guest post with me!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

~random loveliness~

Not much to say, just lots of loveliness to look at today! Eric Roth for Country Living
my home ideas

Phoebe Howard
House Beautiful
{drooling as I type}
House of Turquoise
Come back tomorrow for a very special
l guest post you won't want to miss!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

~dreamy whites giveaway~

You may want to head on over to Dreamy Whites for a HUGE giveaway! Good luck!
I hope I
I mean...... you, win!

Friday, March 26, 2010

~one mans trash is my treasure~

Friday's are my garage sale days.
I live for Friday's.
Pulling up to garage sales I get butterflies in my stomach.
I know, I'm weird, but it's the truth!
Today was no different.
I set out at 8 am to find some good deals.
On my way to one garage sale I passed a sign that read, "antique sale"
It was in a warehouse, and when I turned in the butterflies started, and here is why.
I LOVE anything with chippy peely paint.
Yes, it's probably lead based, but I still love it.
First thing I found was this old wood ironing board with jadeite green metal legs.
I love this color green.
The man was apologizing to me because everything was a bit dirty.
I reminded him that a little dirt never hurt anyone
{the lead paint, that's another story}

He had a stack of these old windows.
This one was one of the few that still had all of the glass window panes in tact.
It needs a good scrubbing, but she's a beauty!

Again, that great jadeite green color!

And then I spotted it.

The peeling chippy white paint that I love.

He had several doors, this is the one that came home with me.

And this old trunk.
After a good cleaning it just may be our new coffee table.

I may add glass to the top......

some rusty hooks for a etsy project.....
{stay tuned}

Possibly a trash can on the deck by the BBQ this summer?

This is a HUGE ornate plaster mirror.
It's missing a few pieces here and there, but I fell in love with it!

Look at that detail!

It's almost 5' long.

And finally what made my heart go pitter patter even faster.
A stack of mahogany wood, some with the original chippy white paint!
I plan on making some frames for my etsy shop with these!

So, today was a good day.
I also have a ton more not pictured.
More that I will be putting on etsy.
Equally cool pieces, but a little smaller in scale, easier to ship!
I hope you have a fabulous weekend and score some good deals yourselves!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

~eenie, meenie, miney, moe~

see something you like?
Head on over to my etsy shop tonight,
as I will be
listing these items shortly!


~sick of me yet?~

Why is it that something as little as light fixtures could be driving me so mad?
I think I have narrowed down the search to industrial pendant lighting.
Now, to choose the finish and find some at a reasonable price, that's the tricky part.
I am loving all of these.
I guess the next step is getting my husband on board with the idea, because unlike some husbands, mine has an opinion.......

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comments anyone?