Saturday, March 13, 2010

~a garage sale find~

Leaning up against the barn was a bench covered in dirt and ivy.
I thought it was just a pile of wood.
The owner said it was a bench and that I could have it for $22.00!

There wasn't enough room in my car so I dropped the kids off at home,
{yes, I left them at home alone, it was only for 20 minutes and it was for a good cause right?}
and went back to get it.
The man was so sweet he got it out and brushed it off for me before loading it into my car.

My original though was to use the wood to make picture frames.
But after I got her home and really looked her over the bigger the smile on my face got!
She is beautiful, a little dirty, but beautiful!
She has chippy, pale, pale, blue paint and great curves, and she is
surprisingly sturdy and over 5 feet long!

My mind is spinning as to what I can do with her.
I think after I clean her off I will add cushions to it and give her a
home at the foot of my daughters bed.

Now I just have to go find some yummy fabric and some cushy down pillows!
Don't you just love garage sales?

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