Tuesday, March 9, 2010

~cottage chic & new boots~

Well, it's a dreary rainy day here in Seattle so
I thought I'd liven things up with a little color!
I am loving these fun images from JuBella!

And what else makes a girl happy on a rainy day?
New boots!
I got these fabulous tall riding boots yesterday and I think I may just sleep in them tonight,
that's how much I love them!
{they are Franco Sarto June boots from Macy's}

And what else does a Cowgirl from the rainy city of Seattle need you ask?
Rubber Cowgirl boots!
Yup, got these too!

They are a little funky and offbeat, don't think I can wear them when I volunteer at the kids school or anything, but I thought they were kinda fun!
Hope you all are having a great day, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for everyone who left comments on where I can find the Restoration Hardware chandelier!
You guys are amazing!

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