Monday, September 13, 2010

~my booth at the 123 french flea~

what a great day!
Thank you to all who came out and supported me!
It was fun seeing some old friends and meeting new people! The day was a huge success!
Every booth was gorgeous!
I wish I would have had time to go around with my camera,
but I just simply didn't.
The sun was out and I was a happy girl!

My husband was happy too because I sold so much,
he didn't have to come back and help me load up the extra car!

I sold about 1/2 my pillows. I will be putting the
remainder on etsy within the next couple days.

Unfortunately, I have come down with something
and have only gotten out of bed to get the kids
off to school and to write this post!

So back to bed it is for me!

I hope you all had a fabulous weekend!


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