Thursday, September 9, 2010

~what I've been up to~

I have been busy, busier than ever.
I am getting ready for the French flea market on Saturday, super excited!
I hope you can make it!
It's sure to be a good time rain or shine.
There are lots of fabulous vendors and we all have tents in case of rain.
Remember, there is a Starbucks right on the corner if you need to warm up!
I'm also bringing fresh baked cookies!
Sound good?
I knew I could tempt you with goodies! I've spent the day loading up one of the cars,
{yes, I have 2 car fulls}
crafting, sewing, and baking.
One thing I did was rip a bunch of covers off vintage books
I know, but don't they look so pretty?

I tied them together with paper ribbon and added tissue paper flowers to the tops.
I love this combination!

I hope you all are having a great day!

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