Wednesday, June 29, 2011

~this and that~

Totally random pictures from my trip to visit Maria.
 Here we are outside the Tyler Florence store in California. 
Loved that store.

  Maria's cabinet, loved it to pieces.
 I couldn't quite fit in my suitcase~darn!
 A cute little French bistro where we drank lots of coffee...
and indulged in sweets.
 This is what happens when you try to take my picture.
And darn it, I don't know why my blog is asking for a password.
It asks me for one too.
I just close out of it.
I'll try to figure it out~
in my spare time.
Also, how long has FLO been coming on with her insurance commercial during my music?
I was cleaning the house today listening to my blog music and kept getting interrupted by her.
Ugh, it's always something.
~love you all~

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