Saturday, September 10, 2011

~a galvanized bucket and stain update~

 My neighbor was getting rid of this large bucket and he thought I might like it.
Well yes indeed I did, but it needed a little something to make it special!
I stenciled the front of it using black craft paint and a stencil I bought off etsy.
 I filled it with fall flowers and ivy, and voila, a nice new planter for my yard!

 I placed it near the bottom of the stairs leading to our front door
 so you can see it as you walk up the path. 
Well, our house is finally finished being stained. 
They did have to strip off the color we hated.
 The house, the detached garage and 2 out buildings.
 They weren't too thrilled.
It now has a much nicer color on it, and we are very happy.
Now the trim is being painted. It's about 50% done.
When it's done and the shutters and window boxes are back up I will be sure to share photos with you all! Hope you are having a great weekend!

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