Friday, July 1, 2011

~a dead space has come to life~

 My friend Stephanie, bless her heart, came over yesterday and helped 
me tweak some things in my house.
Sometimes i just need a new set of eyes to see things in a different way.

One area that has always bothered me is this funny little alcove in our master bath. It sits next to the sink and behind the tub. It's an awkward spot and I have never known what to do there.

Then it dawned on me that Stephanie {who also sells at Ruffles and Rust Square} had a cabinet for sale once upon a time that didn't sell, so she took it out and brought it to her storage unit. 
She was sweet enough to go there and measure it for me and then when I said it would fit, she hauled it over. 
I can't get over it.
It's P.E.R.F.E.C.T.
It not only fits perfectly, but the colors are gorgeous!
I love the dark charcoal grey with the lighter cream~beautiful!
Of course I needed help styling it, so she helped me out there too!
 I hauled out my loot and she worked away styling and making things pretty!
 One thing I had packed away that I was so happy to see in use again is this great carved bird urn.
My husband bought it for me about 10 years ago for our anniversary.
She put my gardenia in it and it's perfect there.
{sorry to keep using the word perfect!}
 The giant clam shell came from Ruffles and Rust Square
 as well as the soaps inside it from Circle Creek Home.
I had the lamp and all the other little accessories to tie it all together.
What do you think?
I'll be back soon to show you more of Stephanie's amazing transformations!

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