Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 25

Corn Maze
I love corn mazes because they are so Octoberish. Tonight we went out in the cold and slightly muddy corn maze at Del Osso Farms. I some how ended up leading our group but that eventually got smaller as we lost people! My friend Ryan nicknamed me the corn fairy because It was easiest for m to prance through the maze lightly on my toes, as opposed to gong slowly trying to avoid mud. Some thought I might fall running through that way, but it was actually Matt L. who took a big fall right in front of me!

When Matt R. joined us, he was very concerned about the map, but I told him to forget it and that you just have to feel it! He then jokingly pinned our success or failure on my shoulders. And what do you know, we got out before a lot of our group did!
There was tons of stuff to do there so after the maze we petted some horses, went on zip lines, jumped on tires, and went into yet another surprisingly scary haunted house!

Jack Skellington? Is that you?

Song of the day: The Doors "People Are Strange"

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