Wednesday, October 6, 2010

~a lamp makeover~

See these lamps? Well, they started out like this.

I picked them up at a garage sale~$10 for the pair.

Then I called my trusty friend Kelley

for some advice on what to do with them.

I think she is the queen of lamps.

She gave me some good ideas, one of which she recommended vintage wallpaper covered drum shades. Although that sounds dreamy to me, my husband wouldn't like......

so onto plan B.

First things first, I had to get rid of that brass that was dating them.

I sprayed them with my trusty antique white spray paint which updated them instantly.

Then I used these burlap shades from Target

{I think they were around $15 a piece}

and added a vintage grain sack stencil in black.

I love how they turned out.

I don't think we have ever had matching bedside lamps before!

I feel like such a grown up!


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